25 Courses
- IT Modal - Cybersecurity — the Hacker eXperienceAs anybody, familiar with 1970s sitcoms can confirm, Mel, Alice's cook used to say: *“the best defense is a good offen...
- QUANTUM THEORY: PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVE (FOUNDATIONS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS)The course is between Physics and Humanities and open to all students. Despite the extraordinary success of quantum...
- ADVANCED TOPICS IN MATER.ENGINEERING 3 (POLYMER NETWORKS)This course is targeted at students in Materials and Biology and Materials and Chemistry concentrations in our departmen...
- ACADEMIC WRITING FOR DOCTORAL CANDIDATESThe course is a workshop style, writing development course. The aim of this course is to provide Ph.D. students with...
- HISTORY OF SCIENCE - Ancient Philosophy of ScienceThis course serves as an introduction to the ancient Greek-Roman philosophy of science, spanning from the “Presocratic”...
- SENSORS AND NANOTECHNOLOGYNanotechnology and sensors are broad, interdisciplinary areas that encompass (bio)chemistry, physics, biology, materials...
- MOLECULAR AND CHEMICAL KINETIC MODELINGThe course focuses on automatically generating predictive chemical kinetic models. It covers the following topics: Intro...
- MATERIAL SCIENCE SOLUTIONS TO SUSTAINABILITY ISSUESThe aim of this course is to provide a broad overview to entering graduate students interested in sustainability and how...
- ADVANCED TOPICS IN MATERIALS ENGINEERING - CASE STUDIES IN BIOMATERIAL FAILUREThe aim of this course is to provide graduate students in Materials Science and Engineering with a more advanced underst...
- POLYHEDRAL METHODS FOR INTEGER PROGRAMMINGThe course is on integer programming methods and structural results in (specific problem formulation) in integer program...
- COGNITION AND DECISION MAKINGThe course examines the way people make decisions and solve problems. Normative decision theory will be reviewed, and th...
- Advanced Computational Fluid and Plasma DynamicsThe course provides an introduction to advanced computational methods useful to investigate fluid and plasma flows and t...
- Architecture and philosophyDesign facilitates activity, modifies climate and thinks about the making. In all this it delights the user in whichever...
- Creative programming- Introduction to programming and software engineering. - Variables and control flows. - 2D graphics and animations. - A...
- Dutch for Beginners IIn this course you will acquire basic knowledge of the Dutch language. We use a method based on blended learning.
- EuroTeQ Collider: Entrepreneurship & InnovationDuring this innovation-learning journey to enhance your understanding of the societal challenges we face, you will co-cr...
- EuroTeQ Collider: Entrepreneurship & InnovationDuring this innovation-learning journey to enhance your understanding of the challenges we face, you will co-create solu...
- Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processesThis course aims develop competences of future engineers by identifying solutions thanks to challenge-based entrepreneur...
- Interfacial transport phenomena in engineering flowsMultiphase flows are of prime importance in the automotive branch (injection of gasoline), in power engineering (steam a...
- Microscale modeling of heat storage materialsFor designing heat storage materials and devices, a good physical understanding of the phenomena is needed and proper (n...
- ProgrammingProgramming
- RF transceivers 2: design• General introduction to RF transceiver circuits • RF design methods and design tools • IC process and devices • RF sub...
- Scientific computing for Mechanical EngineeringBlock 1 - Programming principles and data structures (4 lectures and 2 GS, 6x2h=12h) Block 2 - Object-oriented data stru...
- Stochastic modeling in inventory and production controlStudents from other TU/e bachelors than Industrial Engineering lack basic knowledge about topics such as production and...
- Structural performance of polymers and their compositesModern engineering practice places ever increasing demands (eg. load, temperature, time) on the structural performance o...