
Available courses for students of Technical University of Denmark

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Languages and Culture
Organization logo: Israel Institute of Technology

About this course

The aim of this course is to provide Ph.D. students with the skills which will enable them to communicate professionally in writing. The course will focus on types of scientific professional writing such as found in journals and conference papers. Special emphasis will be placed on an analysis of the structure and content of academic articles. Various rhetorical techniques such as classification, comparison and contrast, description, summary writing, etc., will be covered. In addition, the course touches upon English syntax and grammatical difficulties particular to the non-native speaker. The basics of formal English letter writing will also be addressed.

Semester Start Date: November 3, 2024

Hours per week: 3

Day & Time: TBD

The course is not for credit. It is based on pass/fail

Attendance is compulsory

Expected learning outcomes

The course is based on the concept that writing is a complex cognitive process and that the way to improve one's writing is through continuous practice and repetition. Therefore, the curriculum attempts to afford the student with as many opportunities as possible to engage in "academic"-type writing exercises within the limited time frame of the course.



Course requirements

Only for Graduate Students on a Thesis Track


Virtual lecture with opportunities to engage in academic-type writing exercises

More information

  • Local course code
  • Study load
    ECTS 0
  • Level
  • Contact hours per week
  • Instructors
    Sarah Lurie
  • Mode of delivery
    Online - at a specific time
  • Course coordinator
If anything remains unclear, please check FAQ page.
  • Start date

    3 November 2024

    • End date
      2 March 2025
    • Main language
    • Apply between
      26 Aug and 13 Sept 2024
    • Time info
    Only 5 days to apply
    Apply now